After nearly two years of nonstop work I have arrived at the final stage on my book – where things start coming together and the countdown begins. It is still a bit early to take a deep breath or welcome a pat on the back. While the bulk of the work required in finalizing and producing my book is over and done with, there still remain a few steps: the completion of interior design, file conversions, final reviewing of the sample printed copies, website design, and … well, I guess that’s when I’ll welcome that pat on the back.
Up until a couple of months ago, based on the required workload, logistics and scheduling, I was aiming for a mid to late October release. However, just to make things more hectic, pressurized and chaotic, I revised the release date plan- not just by a few days, but by 5 to 6 weeks. Why? Because I’m masochistic that way! No, really- here is why: because for me the new launch date is as important as what I have written, why I have written it, and to whom and what I have dedicated this book (which is on record). It is far more than ‘symbolic’ for me. It is not about drama. Nor is it about some twisted marketing ploy. It may be hard for some of you to understand, but I suspect only a very few of you here at Boiling Frogs Post will have any difficulties or reservations in understanding and appreciating the new release date- September 11, 2014.
The change in release date came with much pressure and scrambling, not only for me, but for the entire production team of The Lone Gladio. It is as the saying goes: It takes an entire village. Although this book is self-published, with no involvement whatsoever with any corporation, to produce this book, and to make sure it is produced as a high quality book, I gathered together a team of highly experienced professional people. A delightful circle of individuals, most of whom I worked with in producing my previous book- Classified Woman. A group whom I respect, trust and consider friends: Michael Wilde (Senior Editor), Christine Van Bree (Cover Artist & Designer), Lorie Pagnozzi (Interior Designer), and Cecilia Molinari (Proofreading & Final Editing). Everyone on this team had to work hard and fast to make this new date, September 11, a reality. I am very thankful to each and every one of them.
Over the next few weeks I will be working on the design and production of the website for The Lone Gladio. Meanwhile, I am looking for experienced marketing experts who are willing to help us in getting the word out and to help raise awareness. I am not looking for salespeople. No. I am looking for ‘real believers,’ those who believe in the fight for truth and justice as much as I do-as much as we do. Those within our irate minority circle here at Boiling Frogs Post. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of our BFP team in utilizing independent forums and networks to help get the word out on this coming book.
I know we have spent loads of time talking and writing about the need for both collective and individual action for truth, change and justice. Writing this book is one way for me as an individual to continue the fight- for truth. Similarly, producing this book independently, as a self-publisher, is another way for me as an individual to challenge the establishment and big corporations. Sure- it would have been far easier to accept a few dollars from one of the scummy mega publishers out there, turn in my manuscript to them, and let them butcher it (editorially), produce and market it. However, as we all know, the best track is rarely the easiest track. Thus, my decision to produce this book – despite a limited budget and a hefty workload, independently and with the help of similarly independent experts.
The same principle applies to marketing and sales of this book. I am not interested in marketing and publicity companies. I am not interested in sleek and jazzy sales pitches or annoying pop up ads and forced-fed web cookies. What I am seeking is a handful of activists and believers who know how to reach and inform other activists and truth-seekers. Same with independent and creative methods to reach out and spread the word, and to do so with integrity.
I believe I have covered the updates and status on our coming book. I will keep you posted as the release date nears. Meanwhile, those of you who have the expertise and are interested in helping with the release of this book and getting the word out on it, please contact me via the BFP contact page, and include a bit about yourself, your ideas and your expertise. With that said, here is a brief (and somewhat ambiguous) synopsis from The Lone Gladio:
Sibel Edmonds is the Publisher & Editor of Boiling Frogs Post and the author of the Memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. She is the recipient of the 2006 PEN Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy” Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University.